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December 18, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

For information on Council, please contact Mary E. Betsa at 440.461.0862. Meetings start at 7PM and may run shorter or longer than the allotted time slot.


Call to Order/Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Consideration of Minutes: November 20, 2023

Comments from Mayor

Comments from Council President

Open Portion: For Public Comment (5-minute limit)

Department Head Reports

Old Business:

  • Second Reading of Ordinance 2023-12 (Amended 11/30/23), entitled, “An ordinance amending certain Codified Ordinances relating to Certified Mail notification to also permit Express Mail and other forms of delivery with a signed receipt or proof of delivery.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration) (First Reading: October 16, 2023) (Second Reading: November 20, 2023)
  • Third Reading of Ordinance No. 2023-13, entitled, “An Ordinance appropriating funds for current expenses and expenditures of Mayfield Village, Ohio for the period from January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023 and declaring an emergency.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Finance Department) (First Reading: October 16, 2023) (Second Reading: November 20, 2023) (Read in title only)
  • Third Reading of Ordinance No. 2023-14, entitled, “An Ordinance appropriating funds for current expenses and expenditures of Mayfield Village, Ohio for the period from January 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2024 and declaring an emergency.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Finance Department) (First Reading: October 16, 2023) (Second Reading: November 20, 2023) (Read in title only)
  • Second Reading of Ordinance 2023-15, entitled, “An emergency ordinance amending Chapter 176 of the Codified Ordinances of Mayfield Village, Ohio regarding municipal  income tax.”  Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Finance Department) (First Reading: November 20, 2023)
  • Third Reading of Resolution No. 2023-59, entitled, “A resolution requesting the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer to adjust the amended official certificate of estimated resources for 2023.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Finance) (First Reading: October 16, 2023) (Second Reading: November 20, 2023) (Read in title only)
  • Third Reading of Resolution No. 2023-60, entitled, “A resolution requesting the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer to advance from the proceeds of tax levies for the collection year 2024.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Finance) (First Reading: October 16, 2023) (Second Reading: November 20, 2023) (Read in title only)

New Business:

  • First Reading of Ordinance 2023-19, entitled, “An ordinance authorizing all actions necessary to establish an opt-in natural gas program pursuant to Section 4929.27(A)(1), Ohio Revised Code, jointly through NOPEC as a NOPEC member.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar  (Administration)
  • First Reading of Ordinance 2023-20, entitled, “An ordinance levying special assessments for the repair of sidewalks in the Aintree Park, Aintree North and Sandalwood neighborhoods, and declaring an emergency.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Finance)
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-64, entitled, “An emergency resolution confirming the reappointment of Ronald C. Wynne as the Director of Finance for Mayfield Village, Ohio and establishing the terms, conditions and compensation effective January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Administration).
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-65, entitled, “An emergency resolution confirming the appointment of Mary E. Betsa, as Clerk of Council effective January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025.” Introduced by Council as a Whole
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-66, entitled, “An emergency resolution providing for the reappointment of Thomas Cappello and Stephen Hovancsek & Associates, Inc. as Engineer for Mayfield Village, Ohio.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Administration).
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-67, entitled, “An emergency resolution providing for the reappointment of A&S Animal Control, Inc. as the Animal Warden for Mayfield Village, Ohio.”  Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Administration).
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-68, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into a service agreement with Motorola Services, Inc. for equipment upgrade and maintenance services for the Mayfield Village Police Department and to authorize expenditure in the amount of $39,604.00.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Police).
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-69, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to expend an amount not to exceed $35,000.00 under the Council of Government Agreement for the Community Partnership on Aging.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Administration).
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-70, entitled, “An emergency resolution appointing and establishing terms, conditions and compensation for the services of the Director of Law and Assistant Director of Law for Mayfield Village, Ohio.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Administration).
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-71, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into an Agreement with Gallagher Architects, Inc. for back-up Building Code review and Plans Examination services on an hourly fee basis.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Administration).
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-72, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into a contract with Flock Group, Inc. for the lease and service of automatic license plate readers in the amount of $50,000 for a five-year term.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Police Department).
  • Motion to approve the Council Committee assignments for 2024.
  • Motion to approve the Council calendar for 2024.
  • Motion to acknowledge receipt of financial reports for November  2023 and to approve of same as submitted.  (Finance Department)
  • Motion to authorize expenditure in the amount of $104,823.00 to Bureau of Workers’ Compensation for 2024 Yearly Assessment.  (Finance Department)
  • Motion to authorize reclassification in the amount of $60,219.13  from General Fund Police pension costs to the Police Pension Fund. (Original budget was $55,000) (Finance Department)
  • Motion to authorize reclassification in the amount of $74,389.89 from General Fund Police regular wages to the Police Operating Fund. (Original budget was $70,000) (Finance Department)
  • Motion to authorize transfer in the amount of $888,635.91 from the North Commons T.I.F. Fund to the General Fund to reimburse the Village.  (Original budget was $800,000) (Finance Department)
  • Motion to authorize transfer in the amount of $93,547.53 from the Governor’s Village T.I.F. Fund to the General Fund to reimburse the Village.  (Original budget was $62,000) (Finance Department).
  • Motion to authorize transfer in the amount of $14,036.16 from the Heinen’s T.I.F. Fund to the General Fund to reimburse the Village.  (Original budget was $10,000) (Finance Department).
  • Motion to authorize transfer in the amount of $17,522.28 from the Skoda, Minotti T.I.F. Fund to the General Fund to reimburse the Village.  (Original budget was $10,000) (Finance Department)
  • Motion to authorize transfer in the amount of $130,604.85 from the OMNI Hotel T.I.F. Fund to the General Fund to reimburse the Village.  (Original budget was $45,000) (Finance Department)
  • Motion to authorize transfer in the amount of $350,000.00 from the General Fund to the Parkview Improvement Fund to fund the Village’s portion of the Grove lighting and restroom projects.  (Original budget was -0-) (Finance Department)
  • Motion to declare the following Fire Department vehicles surplus and to approve their sale on Gov.deals.com:
    1. 655, 2011 Ford Expedition, VIN#: IFMJUIG5OBEF24282, Mileage as of 12.5.23: 58997
    2. 671, 2009 Ford 250, VIN#: 1FTSW21519EA72306, Mileage as of 12.5.23: 58870
  • Motion to authorize expenditure in the amount of $12,988.21 to Ohio Geese Control for geese control at Parkview Recreational area for 2024. (Parks and Recreation)
  • Motion to authorize an additional expenditure in the amount of $1,163.13 to Southeast Harley Davidson for equipment for new police motorcycle.  (Police Department)
  • Motion to declare the following Police Department vehicles surplus and to approve their sale on Govdeals.com:
    1. 2016 Dodge Charger Vin: 2C3CDXAG0GH205222 Mileage: 93,391 Color: black.
    2. 2017 Dodge Charger Vin: 2C3CDXAG3HH584363 Mileage : 60,504 Color: black

Any Other Matter



December 18, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Category:


Mary E. Betsa


Civic Center
6622 Wilson Mills Rd
Mayfield, OH 44143 United States
+ Google Map