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The purposes of the Architectural Review Board are to protect property on which buildings or structures are constructed or altered, to maintain the high character of community development, and to protect real estate within the Municipality from impairment or destruction of value, by regulating according to proper architectural and engineering principles, the exterior design, use of materials, finished grade, lines, dimensions, location and orientation of all new buildings or structures hereafter erected, and the moving, alteration, improvement, repair or adding to, in whole or in part, of all existing buildings or structures. The Board shall exercise its powers and perform its duties for the accomplishment of such purposes only.
Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday monthly at 6:00 p.m. at the Civic Center (held only when plans are submitted).
Current Members:
Carmen Miozzi (Chairman)
Steven Varelmann (Chairman Pro Tem)
James Triner
Matt Phillips
Robert LaRiche
Dan Russell (MV Building Commissioner)
Debbie Garbo (MV Building Executive Assistant)
To contact the Architectural Review Board you can email Debbie Garbo at [email protected] or call the Building Department at 440.461.2213.
For more information on the Architectural Review Board, please click here.
The Council shall provide by ordinance for a Board of Appeals to hear appeals for exceptions to, and variances in, the application of resolutions, ordinances, regulations, building codes, measures and orders of administrative officials or agencies governing zoning and building in the Municipality. Such Board shall have such other powers and duties, and shall follow such procedures as may be prescribed by ordinances of Council; provided, however, that the Board of Appeals shall have no power or authority to grant any change of or variance in any land use or classification or district from the existing zoning ordinances or the zoning map of the Municipality, or to permit any land use to become nonconforming therewith. All decisions of the Board of Appeals shall be appealable by any interested person or entity to the Village Council. Council may review the minutes or records, or have a rehearing, at its discretion, and may affirm, modify, or reverse any decision of the Board of Appeals by a two-thirds vote of all members elected.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday monthly at 6:00 p.m. at the Civic Center (held only when plans are submitted).
Current Members:
Stivo DiFranco
Alexandra Jeanblanc
James Kless
John Michalko
Bob Haycox
Bob Andrzejczyk (Alt)
Dan Russell, Building Commissioner
Debbie Garbo, Building Executive Assistant
To contact the Board of Appeals you can email Debbie Garbo at [email protected] or call the Building Department at 440.461.2213.
In January, 2005, and each five years thereafter, the Mayor and each member of Council shall appoint one elector each (for a total of 8), who shall be electors of the Municipality holding no other elective office, in the government of the Municipality, as members of the Charter Review Commission. Such commission shall review the Charter, and within five calendar months after such appointment, shall have a review session with the Mayor and Council and then recommend to the voters such amendments, if any, to this Charter, as in its judgment are desirable. The members appointed to said Commission shall serve without compensation. Meetings of the Charter Review Commission shall be open to the public. The current Charter can be found here as well as the National Civic League’s Guide for Charter Commissions.
Current Members (2025):
Lorry Nadeau
Raul Garcia
Fred Freer
Tom Malone
Gerald Kasunik
Doug Balzano
Derek McDowell
Robert Gessner
For more information or to contact the Charter Review Commission, you can email Mary E. Betsa at [email protected] or call 440.461.2210.
The Commission shall provide by rule for the ascertainment of merit and fitness as the basis for appointment and promotion in the classified service, in the manner provided by the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and for appeals from the action of the Mayor or from the action of any department head in any case of transfer, reduction in rank or discharge from employment in the classified service, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, and the action of the Commission on any such appeal shall be final, except as provided by law. The Commission shall keep a record of its proceedings and examinations, which shall be open to public inspection under reasonable regulations of the Commission, and, in all matters not in conflict with this Charter, shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the provisions of the general law.
Current Members:
Henry DeBaggis
Mike Bucci
Greg Tarkowsky
Mary E. Betsa (Clerk of Council)
Civil Service Rules & Regulations (Amended 5.13.24)
To contact the Civil Service Commission you can email Mary E. Betsa at [email protected] or call 440.461.2210.
The Council shall provide by ordinance for a Parks and Recreation Board. The members of such Board shall consist only of residents of the Municipality willing to devote their time and efforts to the Recreation Board. No elected official of the Municipality shall serve as a member of the Board, except that the Council President shall appoint one member of the Council as a Council representative to such Board, who shall have a vote equal to any other member. All other members of the Board shall be appointed in such manner and for such terms, and the Board shall have such powers and duties, as may be prescribed from time to time by ordinances of Council. The Parks & Recreation Board shall serve in an advisory capacity for the development of facilities and programs. The Board shall advise the Director in the operation of the Parks & Recreation Department.
Current Members:
Pat Andrzejczyk
Mary Ann Brastoff
Aaron Caunter
Sandeep Dixit
Patti Fioritto
Terrie Haycox
Steve Jerome
Peggy Kerver
Dona Kless
Troy Koch
Mary Murphy
Derek McDowell
Dave Perout
Patti Simcic
Mary Singer
Meg Stifler
Kate Sullivan
Debbie Thomas
Shane McAvinew, Recreation Director
Danielle Echt, Assistant Recreation Director
Samantha Clark-Cartwright, Program and Facilities Manager
Mark Arndt, Council Rep
Denny Murphy, Council Rep
Steve Schutt, Council Rep
Section 1123.02 of the Codified Ordinances gives the Planning and Zoning Commission the general authority as stated in ORC Chapters 711 and 713, to review and approve plans for unsubdivided property, and all proposals for minor and major subdivisions of the Village. The Commission is generally responsible for creating and modifying the Master Plan of streets and zoning throughout the Village, and for reviewing specific preliminary development plans in the specific zoning districts of the Village.
• No Official Action taken.
• Drawings to be submitted 2 weeks in advance of meeting.
• Official Action Taken on matters reviewed at P & Z workshop.
Current Members:
Dr. Sue McGrath
James Kless
Paul Fikaris
Henry DeBaggis
Randy Weltman
Mayor Brenda T. Bodnar
Dan Russell, MV Building Commissioner
Debbie Garbo, Building Executive Assistant
Tom Cappello, Village Engineer
Allen Meyers, Council Rep
Jennifer Jurcisek, Council Alt
To contact the Planning & Zoning Commission you can email Debbie Garbo at [email protected] or you can call the Building Department at 440.461.2213.
The functions of the Records Commission shall be to provide rules for the retention and disposition of records and to review all record disposal lists submitted by Municipal Officers and Department Heads. The disposal lists shall contain those records which no longer have administrative, legal, or fiscal values to the Municipality or its residents.
Current Members:
Lorry Nadeau (Resident)
Randy Weltman (Resident)
William Marquardt (Council Representative)
Mary E. Betsa (Clerk of Council)
Brenda T. Bodnar (Mayor)
Angie Rich (Finance Director)
Diane Calta (Law Director)
For more information you can email Mary E. Betsa at [email protected] or call 440.461.0862.
To view Mayfield Village’s Public Records Policy, click here.
Except for committees of Council, the Mayor is empowered to appoint committees subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the members of Council.
A Message from Mayor
Brenda T. Bodnar
Our community enjoys both an engaged, committed electorate and a sound, responsible business base.
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Village photos provided by Mayfield Village, & Residents Ed Parker and Rick Hall
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