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October 16, 2023 @ 7:00 pm

For information on Council, please contact Mary E. Betsa at 440.461.0862.


Consideration of Minutes:

  • Regular Meeting of Council: September 18, 2023
  • Special Meeting of Council: October 2, 2023

Comments from Mayor Bodnar

  • Proclamation Commemorating World Polio Day: October 24, 2023

Comments from Council President Schutt

Open Portion: For Public Comment (5 minute limit)

Department Head Reports

Old Business:

  • Second Reading of Ordinance 2023-10, entitled, “An ordinance amending Codified Ordinance Section 123.02 relating to contracts:  advertising for bids; award, purchases and spending authority.”  Introduced by Mayor Bodnar.  (First Reading – September 18, 2023) (Administration)

New Business:

  • First Reading of Ordinance 2023-12, entitled, “An ordinance amending certain Codified Ordinances relating to Certified Mail notification to also permit Express Mail and other forms of delivery with a signed receipt or proof of delivery.”  Introduced by Mayor Bodnar.  (Administration)
  • First Reading of Ordinance No. 2023-13, entitled, “An Ordinance appropriating funds for current expenses and expenditures of Mayfield Village, Ohio for the period from January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023 and declaring an emergency.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar.  (Finance Department)  (Read in title only)
  • First Reading of Ordinance No. 2023-14, entitled, “An Ordinance appropriating funds for current expenses and expenditures of Mayfield Village, Ohio for the period from January 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2024 and declaring an emergency.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar.  (Finance Department) (Read in title only)
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-58, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing an agreement with VSP for an employee Vision Care Plan.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Finance)
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-59, entitled, “A resolution requesting the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer to adjust the amended official certificate of estimated resources for 2023.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Finance) (Read in title only)
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-60, entitled, “A resolution requesting the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer to advance from the proceeds of tax levies for the collection year 2024.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Finance) (Read in title only)
  • First Reading of Resolution No. 2023-61, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to accept the bid of Cianci Construction Group for the Grove Restroom Building Project in the amount of $406,000.”  Introduced by Mayor Bodnar (Parks and Recreation)
  • Motion to remove from the table a motion to approve a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission for site plan approval of five (5) additional parking spaces for applicant D.O. Summers & Wheely Clean Car Wash, located at 6447 Wilson Mills Road, which was contingent upon BZA’s approval of two (2) front setback variances.  (Building Department) BZA’s Approval was received on September 19, 2023.
  • Motion to approve a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission for site plan approval of five (5) additional parking spaces for applicant D.O. Summers & Wheely Clean Car Wash, located at 6447 Wilson Mills Road, which was contingent upon BZA’s approval of two (2) front setback variances.  (Building Department) BZA’s Approval was received on September 19, 2023.
  • Motion to acknowledge receipt of financial reports for September  2023 and to approve of same as submitted.  (Finance)
  • Motion to authorize Mayfield Village to accept the proposal of and enter into an Agreement with Arnold’s Landscape and Design for the 2023-2024 Senior Snow Removal Program in an amount not to exceed $27,200.00.  (Parks and Recreation)
  • Motion to authorize Mayfield Village to accept the proposal of and enter into an Agreement with Ameriscape Land Design, Inc. for the 2023-2024 Senior Snow Removal Program in an amount not to exceed $29,450.00. (Parks and Recreation)
  • Motion to authorize Mayfield Village to accept the proposal of and enter into an Agreement with  MJO Lawn, Inc. for the 2023-2024 Senior Snow Removal Program in an amount not to exceed $26,600.00. (Parks and Recreation)
  • Motion to authorize Mayfield Village to accept the proposal of and enter into an Agreement with  James Cellura, LLC for the 2023-2024 Senior Snow Removal Program in an amount not to exceed $20,400.00. (Parks and Recreation)
  • Motion to approve additional expenditure in the amount of $1,200 to Miller Portable Restroom for toilet and handwashing rentals for the 2023 season ($17,600 approved 1/23/23) (Parks and Recreation)
  • Motion to approve expenditure in the amount of $38,065 to Baker Vehicle Systems for the purchase of a new stand-on ballfield groomer. (Service Department)

Any Other Matter



October 16, 2023
7:00 pm
Event Category:


Mary E. Betsa


Civic Center
6622 Wilson Mills Rd
Mayfield, OH 44143 United States
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