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Mayfield Village Centennial Logo 2021
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Storm Water Education

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Public Involvement/Public Education

Storm water runoff has been a source of great concern for many years. It can pollute lakes and streams. As a result, the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act required the United States EPA to address storm water runoff.

Storm water runoff is rain water or melted snow that runs off the land and enters lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds.

As part of this initiative, to keep our water clean, Euclid Creek Watershed will provide tips that will inform and educate our residents in storm water management.

For more information on what you can do to help keep our water clean, click on the following links: and

Native Seed sale and Plant Kit – all year
You can help combat stormwater pollution by shrinking your lawn! Planting native plants can improve the curb appeal of a home, boost its resale value, all while protecting our environment with their long root systems which hold in soil, slow stormwater runoff and provide vital food and habitat for birds, insect pollinators and many other species.

Northeast Ohio Master Rain Gardener Programs

This course that will teach participants how to design, install, and maintain residential rain gardens is open to all residents and landscape professionals in Northeast Ohio and can be taken in-person or online, according to a news release.

Each of the five-week courses offer a two-track option, where participants can sign up for the residential certification or professional certification track. Registration for the online and in-person courses is open now.