MVPD Compliments/Concerns

The men and women of the Mayfield Village Police department are committed to serving the citizens of Mayfield Village by providing quality services to the community. We will continue to safeguard the constitutional rights of all people. Our communication with the public will be direct, open, and respectful. Our goal is excellence and we will accept nothing less. In meeting this objective, we demand of ourselves the highest professional standards and dedication to our core values.

We welcome your comments. When a member of our Department provides outstanding service, we want to hear from you. And when despite our best efforts, we fall short of our goals, we want to know that too.

If you want to share a nice story or just say thanks, you may do one of the following:

To file a concern, you may do one of the following:

Please note:

  • You are not required to give your name; however by providing your name, you make it more likely that we can conduct the most thorough investigation possible.
  • Your Concerns will be thoroughly investigated, and if the actions in your complaint are found to be criminal, the matter will be handled exactly as it would for all citizens and it will move through the standard legal process. If the actions were improper, but not criminal, disciplinary action will be taken. If it’s found that the conduct was proper and lawful, we will want to explain that to you.
  • If an investigation reveals that a false complaint was made intentionally, we will take appropriate legal action. (ORC 2917.32, 2921.13, and 2921.15)
  • If you have provided us with your contact information, you will receive a call from the Chief of Police or another Administrative Officer informing you of the outcome of the investigation.