Income / Property Tax Rates

Municipal Income Tax:

The Village’s municipal income tax rate is 2.0% (effective July 1st, 2010) on all wages and profits earned within the Village limits. Residents are allowed a credit of 100% of up to 2.0% (effective July 1st, 2010) of the taxable income. The Regional Income Tax Agency (R.I.T.A.) collects and maintains the tax records for the Village. All municipal income tax filings and any questions should be directed to R.I.T.A. at 1.800.860.7482 or

Real Estate Tax:

The residential real estate tax rate is 122.20 per $1,000 of assessed value for the 2023 tax year collected in 2024. The effective tax rate, the rate you pay after reductions is 72.7757 per $1,000 of assessed value. Additionally, you receive a non business credit of approximately 7.8782% and an owner occupancy credit of approximately 1.9504%. Here is a simple way to estimate the real estate taxes you will pay in 2024:

Example: Home with a $100,000 market value

  • Market value of $100,000 x 35% = Assessed value of $35,000 / 1,000 x effective tax rate of 72.7757 = $2,547.15, after non business and owner occupancy credits = $2,296.80 estimated tax payable in 2024.

Where do your real estate tax dollars go?

  • Schools – 63.50%
  • Mayfield Village – 4.96%
  • County – 23.42%
  • Library – 3.95%
  • Metroparks – 4.17%

All real estate tax payments and any questions should be directed to Cuyahoga County at 216.443.7010 or