
This section of our website is specifically designed with our residents in mind.  We have tried to include information that we think is relevant and helpful to you.  We will continue to add information and we welcome your suggestions for additional content.


Weekly Packet

Council Minutes

Dept. Directory

Public Notices

Civic Ready

Voice of the Village

Department Directory

Community Information

Urban Wildlife

Mayfield Village is fortunate to have the North Chagrin Reservation of the Metroparks within its borders.  Many residents find living in the Village attractive because of its green spaces and parks. With green spaces comes wildlife, and seeing squirrels, chipmunks, racoons, rabbits, skunks, opposums, coyotes and white-tailed deer is common. There are many online resources available for information regarding how to live in harmony with urban wildlife. The Village also has an Animal Warden who can provide advice and education to residents experiencing difficulties with wildlife, particularly if animals have invaded a resident’s home or taken up residence in their yard. 

In 2021, in response to resident concerns regarding the number of deer in the area, the Village conducted an infrared survey as well as a community survey. Those surveys resulted in the determination that no action needed to be taken in Mayfield Village at the current time. Deer complaints, accidents and activity continues to be monitored. 

Some Mayfield Village residents have recently reported seeing coyotes in their yards and neighborhoods. Most sightings require no response, however, here are some basic guidelines to help determine what to do if you see a coyote and when to call for assistance.

If you need the services of the Animal Warden, please contact the Police Department at 440.461.1234 or the Service Department at 440.442.5506.

Deer Management

Coyote Sightings

Rust Belt Riders

We all have them—food scraps from dinner, food that we didn’t get around to eating, and food that we can’t put down the disposal. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, food is the single largest category of material placed in municipal landfills, where it emits methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Over 40% of all food in the United States ends up in landfills, accelerating climate change. 

Since 2014, Rust Belt Riders has been working across Northeast Ohio to provide an alternative to landfills for food waste and support our local food system through the creation of agricultural products (Tilth Soil), sold and donated to local farms, community gardens and garden centers.

For more information or to become a member, visit or call 216.800.4651 (Ext 2)

Join now to help the effort!

A Community Drop-Off Location Is Now Available in the Mayfield Village Civic Center Parking Lot @ 6622 Wilson Mills Road

Memorial Bench Program


Associations & Organizations

Homeowners Associations

Zoning and Street Maps

Copies of Mayfield Village Street and Zone maps are available from the Building Department located at the MV Civic Center, or you can view them below:

Mayfield Village
Address/Ward/Street Map