For information on Council, please contact Mary E. Betsa at 440.461.0862.
Call to Order/Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Consideration of Minutes: Regular Council (7.24.23)
Comments from Mayor Bodnar
- Motion to approve the appointment of Robert LaRiche to the Architectural Review Board to complete the unexpired term of Thomas Lawler through December 31, 2024, and to waive the requirement that he be registered as an architect with the State of Ohio. (Oath of Office)
Comments from Council President Schutt
Open Portion: For Public Comment (5-minute limit)
Department Head Reports
Old Business:
- Third Reading of Resolution No. 2023-42 (Amended), entitled, “An emergency resolution declaring it necessary to improve the Aintree Park, Aintree North and Sandalwood neighborhoods by replacing damaged, cracked and uneven sidewalk blocks where necessary, all together with any necessary appurtenances thereto by the owners of the lots or land abutting thereon.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration). (First Reading – June 19, 2023; Second Reading- July 24, 2023) (Amended 8/21/23)
New Business:
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-48, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to enter into a Service Agreement with Brandstetter Carrol, Inc in an amount not to exceed $48,890.00 for design services and construction documents with respect to the Mayfield Village Civic Center ADA and energy efficiency improvements.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration)
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-49, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing the Village of Mayfield to enter into an emergency services agreement with the Village of Gates Mills.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Finance Department)
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-50, entitled, “An emergency resolution supporting the Kindland initiative.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration)
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-51, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing the Village to accept funds in the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($20,000.00) from the State of Ohio through its Office of Budget and Management for the Ohio Ambulance Transportation Program and make premium payments to eligible employees with those funds.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration)
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-52, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation Cooperative Purchasing Program.” (Administration)
- Motion to approve recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission concerning parking expansion, adding five (5) land banked parking spaces for applicant D.O. Summers & Wheely Clean Car Wash, 6447 Wilson Mills Road as proposed, contingent upon BZA approval of front setback. (Building Department)
- Motion to acknowledge receipt of financial reports for July 2023 and to approve of same as submitted. (Finance Department)
- Motion to approve an expenditure in the amount of $78,705 (1,500 tons x $52.47/ton) to Cargill for road salt for the 2023-24 season. (Service Department)
- Motion to approve expenditure in an amount not to exceed $13,000 to R. Tagg Exteriors for roof replacement on rental property located at 6500 Wilson Mills Road (Service Department)
Any Other Matter That May Come Before Council