For more information on Council, please contact Mary E. Betsa at 440.461.0862 or via email.
Call to Order/Roll
Pledge of Allegiance
Consideration of Minutes:
- Regular Meeting of Council 6.19.23
- Special Meeting of Council 7.10.23
Comments from Mayor Bodnar
Comments from Council President Schutt
Open Portion: For Public Comment (5-minute limit)
Department Head Reports
Pending Legislation:
- Second Reading of Resolution No. 2023-42, entitled, “An emergency resolution declaring it necessary to improve the Aintree Park, Aintree North and Sandalwood neighborhoods by replacing damaged, cracked and uneven sidewalk blocks where necessary, all together with any necessary appurtenances thereto by the owners of the lots or land abutting thereon.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration).
New Business:
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-43, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to enter into the Second Amendment Agreement between Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Inc. and the Village of Mayfield for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: Planting trees to reduce runoff project.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration)
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-45, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to participate in a cooperative purchasing program with Sourcewell.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Finance Department)
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-46, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to purchase two (2) new leaf collection trailers in the amount of $244,747.88 from the Best Equipment Company, through the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program, for the Mayfield Village Service Department.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Service Department)
- First Reading of Resolution 2023-47, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into a police firing range use agreement with the University Circle Police Department.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Police Department)
- Motion to acknowledge receipt of financial reports for June 2023 and to approve of same as submitted. (Finance Department)
Any Other Matter