For information on the Council meeting, please contact Mary E. Betsa at 440.461.0862. Meetings start at 7PM and may run shorter or longer than the allotted time slot.
Call to Order/Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Consideration of Minutes: 8.19.24 & 9.9.24
Comments from Mayor
Comments from Council President
Open Portion: For Public Comment (5-minute limit)
Department Head Reports
New Business:
- First Reading of Ordinance No. 2024-16, entitled, “An Emergency Ordinance amending Chapter 153 of the Codified Ordinances of Mayfield Village, Ohio, pertaining to wages, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment and repealing such other ordinances as are inconsistent herein.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-47, entitled, “An emergency resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Fiscal Officer.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Finance Department) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-48, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $28,000.00 to Pavement Technology, Inc. for asphalt rejuvenation as part of the Cuyahoga County Countywide Preventative Maintenance Program.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Engineer) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-49, entitled, “An emergency resolution in support of the Mayfield City School District’s 5.0-mill operating levy on the ballot on November 5, 2024.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Administration) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-50, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into a contract with Arnold’s Landscape and Design for the 2024-2025 Village Senior Snow Removal Program in a total amount not to exceed $24,300.00.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Parks and Recreation) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-51, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into a contract with Ameriscape Land Design, Inc. for the 2024-2025 Village Senior Snow Removal Program in a total amount not to exceed $33,000.00.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Parks and Recreation) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-52, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into a contract with MJO Lawn, Inc. for the 2024-2025 Village Senior Snow Removal Program in a total amount not to exceed $26,750.00” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Parks and Recreation) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-53, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and President of Council to enter into a contract with James Cellura, LLC (JC Landscaping) for the 2024-2025 Village Senior Snow Removal Program in a total amount not to exceed $22,350.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Parks and Recreation) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-54, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to accept the proposal of Great Lakes Crushing, Ltd. In the amount of $65,238.00 for the pedestrian boardwalk, underpass and bridge approach slab improvements.” Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Engineer) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- First Reading of Resolution 2024-55, entitled, “An emergency resolution authorizing Mayfield Village to expend an amount not to exceed $26,664.00 to E.R.F. Electric LLC for the Village’s contribution for the purchase of a new uninterruptible power source (“UPS”). Introduced by Mayor Bodnar. (Fire Department) (Requires suspension of the rules tonight and upon passage this legislation will take effect immediately upon signature of the Mayor.)
- Motion to authorize expenditure in an amount not to exceed $20,000 to Konica Minolta/All Covered for renewal of IT services. (Administration).
- Motion to approve recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission concerning the Lot Consolidation, Mayfield Village vacant properties, 691 SOM Ctr Rd, PPN 831-22-002 and 831-22-031. (Building Department)
- Motion to acknowledge receipt of financial reports for August 2024 and to approve of same as submitted. (Finance Department)
- Motion to declare the following police vehicle surplus to sell on GovDeals: 2012 Dodge Charger Vin: 2C3CDXAG0CH196807 Mileage: 36,485 Color: Grey
- Motion to approve additional expenditure of $10,000 to Rookie Sports Youth Programming (pass-through) (Rec)
Any Other Matter